Region 9 Spring Symposium & Forum
Chapter 38 is proud to host the Spring Symposium for Region 9 in the heart of downtown Salt Lake City, March 21st and 22nd. Register today and take advantage of the opportunities offered at the event from various networking opportunities, renowned speakers, course offerings, social events, and much more! Learn more about the event, the reserved hotel block, and course offerings on our webpage!
Welcome to the Beehive Chapter
Chapter 38 proudly hosts over one-hundred and fifty members dedicated to upholding the International Right of Way Standards and Industry Regulations, achieving higher levels of professional excellence. Our chapter believes in the importance of education and networking opportunities, hosting activities and classes for members to promote greater connectivity as a chapter. Join today and become part of a strong-knitted chapter!
Our Chapter is one of 3 within the IRWA Region 9 and the importance of networking connectivity is our top priority. Visit our events page to see our upcoming activities and visit our member network to get in contact with like minded individuals across the region!
Chapter 38 is dedicated to upholding industry standards and works to promote excellence in the industry. Our classes and events center on improving our practices and building a community of like mined individuals. Join our chapter today!
Billions of dollars are spent annually on the acquisition, management, and transfer of right-of-way. With the technical skills required for proficiency in this complex activity, IRWA's specialized education and training programs provide an essential foundation for right-of-way professionals across the U.S. and Canada in all right-of-way disciplines: negotiation and acquisition, management, appraisal, relocation assistance, environmental, asset/property management, real estate law, engineering, and surveying.
Harness the leading-edge knowledge and skills to excel in your Right of Way career, earn your credential, and enhance your lifelong continuing education journey. Our chapter is committed to continuing education and staying up-to-date with industry regulations. Register for our courses today!
We are proud to present Krissy Plett as President, Amy McKennon as President Elect, Brendy Carrington as Vice President, Benjamin LeFevre as Treasurer, Lisa O'Bryan as Secretary, as James Olshchewski as 1st Year Director. Join us in welcoming them as our chapter 38 leadership!
Meet our leadership members and committee chairs further on the about page!